Our God Gland Is Under Attack? Is Your Soul Being Eliminated By Vaccines, Medicines And Fluoride?

Austrian philosopher Rudolf_Steiner once wrote:

′′ In the future, the soul will be eliminated by medicine. On the pretense of health, there will be a vaccine whereby the human organism will be treated as soon as possible, possibly directly at birth, so that the human being cannot develop the awareness of the soul and the Spirit.

Materialistic doctors will be entrusted with the task of removing the soul from humanity. Like today, people are vaccinated against specific diseases, so in the future, children will be vaccinated with a substance that will immunize against the ′′ madness ′′ of spiritual life. The vaccinated person could be very clever, but would not develop a conscience, and that’s the real goal of some materialistic circles.”

Glyphosate, vaccines and fluoride are destroying our spiritual connection

We constantly stimulate our senses to keep ourselves entertained, burying our eyes in light devices and material things. We look for places where we can belong, filling bar stools and sanctuary pews with blank stares and closed hearts. Our physical bodies congregate, so close together, but the measurable energy fields between our hearts has never been so dull and divided. We spend money to keep ourselves happy, walking the store aisles feeling need and lack. We search for meaning in all the wrong places, ultimately winding up disconnected, depressed, and unfulfilled.

We have been taught to view other people as strangers, that we are all separate beings. While we are all unique with different experiences and perspectives, we are all still very much alike and connected, co-creating together on an abundant, spherical planet.

Can you imagine the possibilities for peace if we understood the spiritual connection we all share? Our egos and desires to control, convert, and conquer the world would shed like dead skin, helping us see everyone around us with new eyes. The division lines of made-up religions would erase and we would come to a much more eternal understanding of what it means to be alive as one.

In our religions and denominations, in our synagogues and churches, we search for higher connection, but the dogmas and rules only suppress our spiritual bodies, alienating us from our brothers and sisters. In our emptiness, we are swayed by emotional messages of guilt and fear cast upon us from manipulative dogmas that try to interpret God’s will for us. As our path is dictating to us, we lose our spiritual sovereignty and our connection to Spirit Source that is living inside us and constantly interacting. What is holding human spiritual connection back?

Pineal gland considered “the seat of the soul”

There is a place within the physical body where spiritual encounters are initiated and expressed. It’s the pineal gland, which is pea-sized gland tucked in the geometric center of the brain. It is part of the human endocrine system and is responsible for producing melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles, dreams and the subconscious, and circadian rhythm. It also produces serotonin and the DMT molecule (Di-Methyl Tryptamine), an important component for spiritual experiences. Up close, the pineal gland contains light detecting cells similar to the retina of the eyes, as if it is set up for signal transduction. It is also located close to the emotional and sensory parts of the brain; hence, it is often referred to as the third eye. Or, as Seventeenth-Century French philosopher Rene Descartes coined it: a “medium from which our soul could be expressed through our physicality.”

Glyphosate is a catalyst for heavy metal poisoning of blood and pineal gland function

Today, the pineal gland is assaulted chemically, through the blood pathways. It can be stopped from producing hormones that are needed for sleep, mental clarity, intuition, and communication with others. Some of the toxins that can damage the pineal gland are heavy metals like mercury and aluminum, which are found in several vaccinations.

Other toxins like glyphosate (Roundup) indirectly poison the pineal gland. Glyphosate is the number one herbicide used on our crops today. Glyphosate disrupts the shikimate pathway of the good bacteria species living symbiotically in our gut. By eating food sprayed with glyphosate, we destroy the good bacteria, causing gut dysbiosis or microbial imbalance, allowing for greater uptake of heavy metals into the blood. When glyphosate depletes good bacteria in the gut, the gut wall goes unprotected, allowing heavy metals like mercury and aluminum to infiltrate the blood more readily. Glyphosate acts like a catalyst for heavy metal poisoning of the blood, organs, the pineal gland (not protected by the blood-brain barrier).

Current research suggests that glyphosate disrupts gut bacteria, leading to an overgrowth of Clostridium difficile, which produces p-cresol, a precursor linked to autism. P-Cresol boosts the uptake of aluminum into the blood via transferrin. In this condition of hypoxia, transferrin synthesis is increased in the pineal gland. Melatonin metabolism is also destroyed by glyphosate and aluminum through the destruction of the cytochrome P450 enzymes.

Fluoride destroys pineal gland function, disconnecting our spirit and body

Most people today are slowly being poisoned each day through the water supply. Sodium fluoride is mandated to be dripped into municipal water supplies throughout the industrialized world, in cities across America. Fluoride is also in nursery water and in many psychiatric medications. Fluoride calcifies the pineal gland, making it hard for the gland to regulate melatonin and DMT production, limiting one’s sleep and dreams, emotional state, and heart-brain coherence.

Many researchers show that we are seeing incredible amounts of dementia, sleep disorders, Parkinson’s, learning disabilities, depression, anxiety, and disconnection in our society today because people everywhere are being systematically poisoned – their pineal glands calcified.

The agriculture system (glyphosate) and the medical system (heavy metal injections, fluoride-based psychiatric drugs) and government fluoridemandates are literally teaming up to destroy our minds and our spiritual connection to ourselves and one another.

In this awakening, we must learn how to clean our blood, detoxify, and de-calcify our pineal gland to restore our consciousness, connection, and love for one another.






